Sunday 12 November 2017


         Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose level.                

Diabetes mellitus is classified into
1.primary diabetes
2.secondary diabetes
         Primary diabetes
*type1 (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus)
*type2 (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus)
        Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Type1 diabetes mellitus is due to deficiency of insulin because of beta cells in islets of langerhans.this type occur before 40 years person affected by this requires insulin injection.
1.degeneration of beta cells in islets of langerhans.
2.destruction of beta cells by viral infection.
3.congenital disorder of beta cells.
4.destruction of beta cells during autoimmune diseases.
         Type2 diabetes mellitus
Type2 diabetes mellitus is due to insulin resistance.(failure of insulin receptors) about 90% of diabetes patient have type2 diabetes.this occurs after 40 years.mostly controlled by oral hypoglycemic is non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
1.genetic disorder changes such as bad eating habits and physical inactivity leading to obesity
Secondary diabetes mellitus
It is a rare type and only about 2% of patients have secondary diabetes may be temporary or permanent due to underlying causes.
1.Endocrine disorder
2.damage of pancreas
4.liver disease(fatty liver,hepatitis C)
5.autoimmune diseases
6.excessive use of drugs,steroids,etc.,
Signs and symptoms:
1.glucosuria(loss of glucose in urine)
2.polyuria(excess urine formation)
3.polydipsia(increase intake of water)
4.polyphagia(excess intake of food)
5.asthenia(loss of strength)
7.acetone breathing(life threatening condition)
8.circulatory shock(occurs only in severe condition)
1.cardiovascular complications like
*myocardial infraction(heart attack)
2.diabetic retinopathy(degenerative changes in retina)
3.diabetic nephropathy(degenerative changes in kidney)
4.diabetic neuropathy(degeneration of autonomic and peripheral nerves)
Diagnostic tests for diabetes:
1.fasting blood glucose
2.postprandial blood glucose
3.glucose tolerance test(gtt)
4.glycosylated hemoglobin
Type1 diabetes is treated by exogenous insulin.
Type2 diabetes is treated by oral hypoglycemic drugs.

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